Creator's Statement

I create because that’s my best way to interact with the world.  Through music, I want to explore innovative concepts and speak to people.  I want to help like-minded people discover they’re not alone and help them say things they may not be able to say for themselves.  Through writing and art, I want to teach people about the wonder of the world and about responsibility.  I want to make people happy and give them ideas to fall in love with, inspire them to be kinder, and help them consider new ideas.  I never want to be derivative.  I want people to look at my work and find it singular.  I want to be honest and original and as true to myself as possible.  One of my greatest goals is to be myself to the greatest extent I can possibly be.  

Given the fictional worlds I’ve loved throughout my life, it’s important to me to give something immersive like that back to the world.  Other people’s remarkable creations inspire me to work harder on my own.  I’m inspired by learning new things about the world, especially in zoology and biology, history and anthropology, and cross-cultural folklore and mythology.  It’s important to me to always be learning new things.  When I get excited about an idea, or discover something interesting, or when something has a positive effect on my life, I want to share that.  Hopefully I can show people something about themselves and their world that they weren't already thinking about.

I enjoy the world.  I do my best not to be pessimistic and cynical about it.  I value optimism, discovery, and honesty and I think my work presents a brighter worldview than most people are used to seeing.  I want to inspire people to be nicer, more appreciative of all life, and more discerning in their interpretation of reality.  I try to make everything I do sort of exciting and hopeful, while relatable and familiar.  I want people to immerse themselves in the universe I’ve created and then try to make the real world a little more like it.  It's an amazing, adventurous, very real sort of world – a lot like the real one.  It's a sort of whimsical pragmatism.  I’m creating things that are genuine, even if they’re a little weird.

Adventure is important to me.  I yearn for adventure and I believe there’s still some great adventure to be had in the world.  The world is full of amazing ideas and life and phenomena, and I want to instill this excitement in other people, especially young people.  Inspiring young people is an enveloping goal of mine.  When I was a kid, I told myself, after realizing a fundamental difference between how grown-ups and kids see the world, that I would never lose sight of how kids see the world.  That really ties my creative heroes together too – having that childlike vision.  I'm adept at creating the adorable, but obsessed with the adventurous and I really enjoy putting the two together.  That’s a combination that really hooked me when I was a kid and it still hooks me when it’s done well.

I feel completely obligated to share my ideas through creativity.  I believe these ideas are too important not to share.  My creations are the most important thing I have.  They make me happy, bring me peace, and inform the best of my actions.  Some other things that are very important to me are spending time with animals and nature, encouraging scientific literacy, and making people (especially young people) happier and more able to make sense of their world, ideally through imagination and learning.  

I’m a perfectionist.  I try to exhibit knowledge and control.  I don't stop working on something until I love what I've made.  I do this because I want other people to love what I’ve made.  Amazing stories, genuine characters, and relatable music are things that get people interested in ideas in powerful ways.  If you can create something that rings true to kids and adults, really engages them, and makes them want to learn about something new, or immerse themselves in a world, or make better decisions, or be better people, then you’ve really got something special.  That’s the sort of thing I want to create.

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